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Maximizing Minimalism: Tips for Living in a Small Space

Are you tired of feeling cramped and cluttered in your small living space? Do you dream of having a more minimalistic and organized home, but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. With the rising cost of living and increasing population density, many people are finding themselves living in smaller spaces than they would like. But just because your space is limited doesn’t mean your lifestyle has to be. In fact, embracing a minimalist approach to living can not only help you save money and reduce stress, but it can also make your small space feel more spacious and inviting.


In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical tips for maximizing minimalism in your small space. Let’s get started.

Get Creative With Storage Spaces

One of the biggest challenges of living in a small space is finding enough storage for all your belongings. That’s where creativity comes in. You can learn how to live in a small space by utilizing storage spaces that you might not have thought of before. For example, using the space under your bed for storage or installing shelves above doors and windows.


You can also utilize multi-functional furniture, such as ottomans with hidden storage compartments or a coffee table that doubles as a bookshelf. By getting creative with your storage solutions, you can free up valuable space in your small home.

Invest in Multi-functional Furniture

As previously mentioned, multi-functional furniture is a great way to save space in a small home. Not only does it serve its primary function, but it also provides additional storage or can be used for multiple purposes. Some examples of multi-functional furniture include sleeper sofas for when you have guests over, foldable dining tables that can be tucked away when not in use, or even a murphy bed that folds up into the wall.


Investing in multi-functional furniture is a smart way to make the most out of your limited space without sacrificing on style or comfort. Ensure to do your research and choose pieces that fit your specific needs and space limitations.

Keep Surfaces Clutter-Free

In a small space, surfaces can easily become cluttered and make the room feel even smaller. To combat this, make it a habit to keep surfaces clutter-free. This means regularly clearing off countertops, tables, and other surfaces of any unnecessary items.


To make this task easier, invest in storage solutions that allow you to keep these items out of sight. For example, a hanging organizer for mail and documents or a catch-all basket for keys and other small items. By keeping surfaces clutter-free, your small space will feel more open and organized.

Use Light and Neutral Colors

Dark colors can make a small space feel even smaller, while light and neutral colors can help create the illusion of more space. When decorating your small home, opt for light-colored walls and furniture to brighten up the space.


You can also use mirrors to reflect natural light and make the room appear larger. Additionally, incorporating pops of color with accessories or accent pieces can add visual interest without overwhelming the space. Remember to choose a cohesive color scheme to create a sense of continuity and avoid making the space feel cluttered or chaotic. By using light and neutral colors, you can make your small space feel more open and airy.

Embrace Vertical Space

In a small home, every inch of space counts. That’s why it’s important to utilize vertical space as well. This means installing shelves or storage units that go well with your canvas and go all the way up to the ceiling, making use of tall cabinets, and even hanging items from the ceiling when possible.


Vertical storage not only helps save floor space but also draws the eye upward, making the room feel taller and more spacious. Keep in mind the weight limit of your walls when installing shelves and cabinets, and choose sturdy pieces that won’t compromise the safety of your space.

Declutter Regularly

Lastly, decluttering regularly is crucial for maximizing minimalism in a small space. It’s easy to accumulate more items than we need, especially when living in a small space where storage is limited. Make it a habit to go through your belongings at least once a month and get rid of anything that you no longer use or need.


It can also be helpful to adopt the “one in, one out” rule, meaning for every new item you bring into your home, you must get rid of one old item. By regularly decluttering, you can keep your small space organized and free of unnecessary items.


Living in a small space does not have to be a burden. By embracing minimalism and following these tips, you can create a functional, organized, and comfortable home within the limited space you have. Remember to get creative with storage spaces, invest in multi-functional furniture, keep surfaces clutter-free, use light and neutral colors, embrace vertical space, and declutter regularly. By doing so, you can make your small space feel more spacious and inviting while also reducing stress and saving money.






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Toolmates hire


ToolMates Hire is a new start-up tech company based in Sydney’s inner-west. This is a platform for people to share their tools from the comfort of their own homes. After months of development dating back to November 2015, the site was finally ready for release to the public.

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