Company package

Unlock the way to boost your business
Hire the 24/7 sales representative for just $99 a Month.

Free trial till the end of the calendar year

Hurry up and get this trial. No obligations to pay and you can opt out at any time.


ToolMates will be working around the clock to market your assets. We invest thousands into online marketing each month to ensure that we connect people who need tools and equipment with you. 

  • All the essentials in one place – centralise all your assets into one online platform that actively markets your tools online through various different promoting channels.
  • Let yourself be found – our system automatically creates optimised content for search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing.
  • Attract unconventional groups – we frequently conduct marketing research on finding out new and innovative methods to gain new customers.
  • Diligent account management – an accounts assistant helps you with tool listing, organising and display on ToolMates at no extra costs. 
  • Cost-effective – first 30 days of marketing your assets cost you nothing then only $90 a month.
  • Almost 100% measurable – after each month you receive complex performance report. 


At the moment I'm in the process of building my second home, so I will be needing heaps of tools and his is going to be fantastic if I can get it at mates rate and just return it.

Peter, Brisbane

I think ToolMates is a really good idea. I had to by the router the other day from Bunnings to do a one off job so this would of been idea, so I have signed up.

Mark, Sydney

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